Enjoy Your Fourth

Whether you're off from work, working today, unemployed or deployed.... enjoy the fourth in whatever way you are able to. This is perhaps our favorite holiday here at Boiled Sports and we genuinely wish you all the very best.

We're coming around on five years since we kicked things off here at BS and while we always go through those lulls (this time of year is often one of them), we also always find ourselves reinvigorated shortly thereafter. And, honestly, one of the biggest reasons is you.

Reading your responses and opinions is great and we're truly honored that you'd spend any of your time with us. We will continue to strive to make it worth your time.

And finally -- and especially -- thanks to those of you out there who are serving or have served this great country. We are extraordinarily proud of you and you are never far from our thoughts.

In Case You Missed it...JJ & Smooge on The Journey

Let's Welcome Nebraska