Boiled Sports

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The New Look

Purdue cufflinks For those who haven't yet noticed, BS has undergone another facelift. Hey, we're getting old...that's when the plastic surgery starts. A nip here, a tuck there. The new layout is courtesy of our friends and overlords at Bloguin so if you don't like it, please direct your vitriol there. If you like it, well, we're happy to take all the credit.

Naturally, we're still working out a few things and that will probably be an ongoing thing. But in the meantime, enjoy the site as usual -- we intend to provide the same content that alternates between pleasing you and infuriating you. Hey, that's our jam.

We've all made it through the basketball season together and a big congrats to the Purdue basketball program -- you've actually made us want to get back to Purdue football. No small feat.

Enjoy the new layout and, as always, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.