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Why Bob Knight Resigned

Shot a neighbor accidentally during a hunting trip...wants to be at his bedside during the long, arduous recovery and therapy.

Head bumped a player so hard that it cracked the student athlete's skull...Knight just felt bad for the kid.

With his current record of 12-8, he knew he couldn't get his team ready for the tournament...So he handed the reigns to a real XOs genius, Pat Knight.

He heard there will be an opening at IU in the next few months as Brand rules on Coach Sanctions recruiting tactics.
Threw a potted plant (cactus) at a TT athletic department employee which resulted in loss of two eyes for victim...lawsuit pending.

He was sick and tired of losing to Purdue. (He clearly saw Painter's team and his Red Raiders on a collision course for this March and couldn't take the thought of the eventual defeat)

Has joined the BTN to sit alongside Gene Keady for a studio show.

Strangled a player to death.

The Texas Tech President called him "Knight" not "Coach Knight" or "Mr. Knight", but "Knight". So he resigned...he couldn't take such disrespect from someone he knew he'd have to be around with on a daily basis.

-In all seriousness, this resignation is as bizarre as Petrino's last fall...But, I don't think Knight's going to coach in the NBA any time soon.