Boiled Sports

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The Return of The Mack(s) - It's Handsome Time

What's that out there? In the distance? Is it an oasis? A mirage? Or is it the real thing? The Handsome Hour, glittering in the distance... looking delicious, handsome and quenching your thirst for Purdue-related fun and other nonsense.

Tonight, the Boiled Sports Podcast -- The Handsome Hour -- returns with gusto. Scheduled to join us are two titans of media* who you'll love to hear from.

We're changing things up only slightly for Season Six, as we're moving the start time up to 9:30 PM so that Boilerdowd can catch the 11 PM news with a martini in hand before he cues up his DVR of The Bachelor.

The Boiled Sports Handsome Hour -- drink it in, tonight at 9:30 PM, Eastern.

*local media, that is