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The End of An Era -- FJM Signs Off

If you're like me, you probably cruise a lot of sports blogs. Well, most of you start here at BS, obviously, but you'll be forgiven if you go elsewhere sometimes, too. And if you ever have gotten around the webtubes, I sincerely hope you've had the chance to sit and read some of the great stuff at

It's a site by a few guys who got so sick of the idiotic things sportwriters would lazily write or the inane, idiotic things that Joe Morgan, Tim McCarver and others would say. And so they launched a blog to hysterically skewer these people. They eventually became widely known and almost universally-respected (rarely do you see a blog that whenever referenced elsewhere is done so in such reverential tones as FJM).

Not too long ago, they came out of the blogging closet and we learned that one of the primary writers, "Ken Tremendous," was actually Michael Schur, a guy who writes for The Office, among other places in Hollywood. Which explains his brilliant sense of humor. (That's not to say "Junior" and "dak" weren't hilarious, too, because they were.)

Their posting has gotten less and less frequent in the last few months, to the point where they hadn't posted anything in over two weeks. And then, tonight, the sad news that any of us regular readers probably had a sense was coming did finally come. They've called it quits.

Thousands of blogs are started and quickly abandoned all the time. And even the ones that are really well-written and popular eventually must come to an end, too. Usually when they become more job than fun. So while it happens, it's still too bad. It's been three and a half years for FJM so that's a pretty good run.

I know they were quite possibly my favorite blogsite and without a doubt the one I laughed at the hardest. It always felt to my like they were writing my kind of humor. Maybe you felt the same and maybe you didn't -- but either way, I wanted to single them out and thank them for the entertaining three-plus years and the fantastic writing and genuine humor they managed to inject into so many of my days.

Very well done, gentlemen.