Boiled Sports

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To your call once more - would you freakin' rally?!

I'm disgusted. That's the way some of us put it, just matter-of-factly.

Today, we saw a drubbing on the field of Ross-Ade that for once played in our favor. While the team lit up the scoreboards, the stands were strangely quiet. Why, on earth, would you not be singing, cheering, screaming and almost crying from excitement as your team nabs the 8th touchdown of the game? Why wouldn't you root and holler for your team as they return from a last second loss?

The BS student writer is livid. THuff is sounding off.

The student section has been hit hard over the years with the less than stellar teams. This season is different; we have new ticket policies - Student Tickets are linked/put on to the ID, it's a $3 transfer fee to give someone else your ticket - and we have an officially named/"organized" student section: The Ross Ade Brigade.

In years past the gates open 2 hours before kick off and you run, God help you, you run to the seats. People have been injured; I have wound up in a trash can from the shoving. It's worth it to be able to hold that railing and be a part of the action. Now? Gates open at 10:30 to those gate rushers, but the Brigade has already been in there for 15 minutes. Anyone can be in the Brigade and that means those high spirit, upperclassmen have just as much chance of being in the first 5 rows as the freshmen frat stars that are half drunk and completely uninterested.

What does this mean? It means that the days of the 'U-S-A' chant after the pledge are dwindling, the highly suppressed first down dance is coming back, first down bitch will disappear and there will be no more floating penises. Is this crude, unprofessional and sometimes disgusting? Maybe, but sadly, it's tradition. You haven't lived until you've seen a cop shank a 5 foot inflated phallus.

When you pay $15 bucks to get the Brigade shirt, you are pledging to be a super fan. Instead, you get the first 15 rows dead silent during the most important tradition - Hail Purdue. You have people sitting on their seats during the game, during warm ups, during times when the team runs on to the dang field. What ever happened to the 12th Boiler? My Seat Never Sees My Seat?

I get it, the team isn't shaking the world to the core. The team is mediocre at best, when compared to the conference. That doesn't give you an excuse to occupy a seat and complain about the game taking too long. Any student that does not want their tickets for the rest of the season would benefit themselves and Purdue athletics by selling them to someone who gives a rat.

If you screw up Notre Dame, so help me god...

We often complain about the Alumni Fans here, but this time: Student Section - Consider yourself on watch.