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All In. (Painter's Poker Game Nearing its End)

We still don't know everything, but what we do know is the end is way or another. Painter's meeting with Mizzou's Mike Alden (and co.) is probably currently underway. Burke and other members of Purdue's administration have expressed that they really, really, really want him to stay (finally). And Painter stays mum.

I'm not sure how this ends, but it seems to me there's a very good ending and a very bad other way to say it. Losing a Purdue alum to a program with similar stature as the HC sends a loud message that Purdue has become a stepping stone program. That's not the end of the world as Butler, Xavier, West Virginia, Pitt, Marquette and other high level basketball programs have all been this way in recent years. But, it's something that I didn't think I'd ever see. I would hope that if Painter does decide to leave, the ramifications to those who allowed this to happen would be swift and just...but I doubt it. We'll have more reaction as real news becomes available.

Word to the wise: Don't trust Twitter, regardless of the source within it, unless you can trace the story to a root. Last night a clown from some paper in the Northeast "broke" a story that wasn't a story at all...and everyone took it as Bible because he was a supposed old news man. The ethereal "source" that so many pseudo journalists speak about, without giving specifics, is little more than conjecture or rumor. A source within a specific athletic department might have some weight to it. A name as a source close to the situation is probably truth. We still have no reliable source on the outcome of this story.

Really, Matty holds all the cards at this point...everyone else is just at the table...whether they want to be there or not.