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Pole Day Eve

9:00 am, tomorrow, Pole Day begins at IMS...and we get one step closer to my favorite single-day sporting event, the Indy 500.

As of 4:30, 28 drivers have driving laps of 220mph or faster...The fastest were both from Team Penske, getting very close to 226. Penske and his team are consummate pros at the 2.5mi. oval and know how to prepare a car and their drivers are very good at shaking a car down and reacting to the conditions at hand. While Briscoe was faster today, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Helio capture the pole tomorrow.

Just after the Team Penske cars, Ganassi's Target cars were expectedly fast and the AGR team came in just behind them. The guys (girl) who you thought would be fast have been fast...But, I was kind of hoping to see Paul Tracy flirt with a top-10 speed and create a bit of buzz. That said, his situation's far from ideal right now.

Milka Duno, my least favorite driver in recent memory is down near the bottom of the speeds for the day...per her usual performance...and she'll continue this trend through race day, I'm sure. Special thanks to Hugo Chavez & Citgo for making me have to watch her pitiful effort each May...Hopefully, she can stay out of everybody's way and bow out early come Memorial Day.

A guy who I like, just because I loved his Grandpa when he raced is Marco Andretti...he's been fast all week- It'd be a lot of fun for to see him get back on track as he hasn't been too strong, in really more than a season. But, the guy I really want to see win is Tony Kanaan...he's been so close, but hasn't gotten it done- qualifying strong would go a long way in helping him later this month.

Last thing, Danica is still hot...and still can drive at a very high rate of speed.