Boiled Sports

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Detroit Is Lovely In December

The Boilermakers football bowl position has been established and they narrowly avoided warm destinations like Tempe, AZ (Insight Bowl) and Fort Worth, TX (Armed Forces Bowl). That's right, they've made it into that outpost of bowl games -- the Motor City Bowl.

I'm not sure whose idea it was to start having bowl games in frigid locations, but it's one of those ridiculously terrible ideas that has inexplicably spread in way one might expect a good idea to spread. The International Bowl in Toronto, the Humanitarian Bowl in Idaho, and the Motor City Bowl in lovely Detroit.

Perhaps the included picture should be the logo for the Motor City Bowl -- at least it would make people feel warm.

As a soon-to-be transplant to Texas, I was prepared to make the journey to Southwestern bowl game destinations -- such as Houston for the Texas Bowl, Ft Worth for the Armed Forces Bowl, El Paso for the Sun Bowl, or even Tempe for the Insight Bowl. But now our Boilermakers wil be in balmy Detroit instead... and as such, I think my midwestern counterparts should be onsite to report for Boiled Sports in Detroit.

How about it, boys?