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Rest In Peace Andrew T. Jackson

We rarely post non-wise-ass things here at Boiled Sports, but this morning is a sad morning for the Purdue sports community for actual reasons, rather than silly things like going to a lousy bowl game.

Andrew T. Jackson, an 18-year-old kid from Minnesota who was a freshman on the Purdue hockey team, was killed over the weekend when a team van crashed on Indiana S.R. 25. Seven other teammates were injured but have been released from the hospital.

It's always very hard to make sense of death and it's made exponentially harder when it's someone so young who was simply playing a game he really enjoyed and was just getting started on his college career. There's no way his family could have known when he left a few months ago to begin college that he wouldn't be home to celebrate Christmas with them.

Our thoughts go to the Jackson family and the Purdue hockey family.