SBF -- The Discretion Edition

It's Friday, which around here -- at least for now -- means SBF time.

On last week's episode, we invited you to share photos for consideration and while we definitely want you to share things that you think other BS readers would enjoy, I feel compelled to suggest that you not send in pics of ex-girlfriends without their permission. Yes, that happened last week. No, I don't think it would be right to share them. So I guess I should modify that -- feel free to send any kinds of pictures you want of anyone, perhaps especially if I can't post them. I'll be glad to evaluate and provide feedback. But just understand that we do have some level of ethics here.

Okay, carry on. And if you're worried about looking at these pics at work, the handy jump link is below and you can just be left to wonder... do I click it? Or don't I?

Can you spot the brick wall in that picture? Neither can I.

This photo was bouncing around Twitter recently and I saw at least one Boiler female comment on how hot she is. I cannot disagree. If this is you, please identify yourself. 

I think we can all admit, boobs are awesome from any angle.

Enjoy your weekends, everybody. Bowls start this weekend and you've got one week of shopping left.

Sideboob Friday is a production of Boiled Sports and is back for a limited time this December.  If you have suggestions for SBF -- including ones taken at your office holiday party that are just too good not to share -- you can submit them for consideration at

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