Let's Help a Fellow Boilermaker Win

This is Mike, Purdue class of '95. He's in a contest for which he's a finalist, but is in enemy territory. We'll let him explain:

I’m a Purdue grad living in Seattle, and am now one of two finalists in the local sports radio stations “Joe the Fan” contest. It’s basically trying to find the biggest sports fan in Seattle, and the winner gets season tickets to the Seattle team of their choice, and a monthly segment on the radio. How you win is by getting the most votes on the internet. As I’m sure you remember we knocked the local team out of the tournament this year in what was essentially a home game for them (I was there, and it was awesome). I think it would be great if a Purdue grad could be voted the biggest fan in Seattle in the same year we knocked their cocky assess out of the tournament.

As you can imagine, I’m a sizeable underdog to the other finalist, a Washington Husky, who has been using my Purdue affiliation against me to curry votes. I was wondering if you guys could do me a huge favor and post the link on your site and throw a few votes my way?

The deadline is 2:30 PST, this Thursday. Here is the link to vote.

So vote for a fellow Boilermaker. Or fellow Big Tenner. Or just a guy who wants to win and was clever enough (desperate enough?) to reach out to Boiled Sports for assistance. He's just like us, only he's got one man to beat for a regular, monthly spot on the radio.

If nothing else, throw him a vote for that license plate.

Thursday Notes (CMigrator copy 1)

VICTORY!!! (CMigrator copy 1)