BS All-Time Boilers: Sweet 16

BS All-Time Boilers: Sweet 16

Hey everybody, I hope you are staying healthy and finding some diversions during this time of slow-moving days, as we slog along through this together…apart from one-another.

The Sweet 16 for our little tournament is now set and while there haven’t been a ton of surprises, yet, it’s been fun to watch the vote counts rise during the Twitter polling.

The biggest Cinderella, by far in this tournament is David Teague. Much like cinderellas of the NCAA tournament, he has had an easier path, as he has faced players that were a good match-up. Teague has name recognition that his opponents really don’t have (among the masses of Boiler faithful on Twitter). That will change for him as he squares off against Purdue fans favorite player du jour, Boogie Edwards, tomorrow.

All four number one seeds and number two seeds are still alive. That tells me that LBD and I did our jobs seeding, at least these guys, correctly. If you were upset with our field at large, and seedings, you might have decided to make your own bracket. Perhaps you found it easier than we did to place a number value to one of your childhood heroes. We didn’t take it lightly, and we didn’t find it simple, nor easy.

I can tell you that there were some players that probably deserved to be in the field of 68 that didn’t get in…but I do believe that we have most of the greatest Purdue basketball players ever, still alive, in this paired down field of 16. Voting will begin tomorrow morning on Twitter for the Round of 16, and will continue with the Elite 8 on Friday. The Final Four will be on Saturday, and the greatest will be crowned on Monday evening…the night in which an NCAA National Champ was to be crowned.

Thanks for caring enough to be angry or simply enjoy this process…Hammer Down!!

The BS All-Time Boilers Bracket -- Final Four

The BS All-Time Boilers Bracket -- Final Four

Quick Thought about Perspective during This Season